Persönlich by Henry

Run a (thought) A/B test

A/B testing is Startup 101: Run two different Facebook ads and see which one performs better. Keep the winner, then test it beside a new ad. Repeat.

We can do the same thing with our attitudes. For one week, observe one belief you hold, like “my work is boring,” and keep a written record each day of how you feel and your experience (e.g. “Mood: 6 out of 10. Got into two arguments with my boss.”)

In week two, decide to adopt the opposite belief. (Side note: if you think you can’t possibly change your thoughts, ask yourself If I’m not in control of my thoughts, who is?)

This might look like, “There’s always something interesting happening at work if I look closely.” Again, record your outcomes. Stick with the belief that brings the best results. Repeat with other parts of your thinking.
