Persönlich by Tami

Money Can Become Your Master

Why do you go to work? Is it to earn enough money to buy the things in life you need, or is it to continually earn more and more money so you can keep up with the Joneses?

If your goal in life is to become rich so you can buy a lot of stuff you don’t need, you may become a slave to your work and to earning the money you desire. In other words, instead of being in control of your life, you live for money. Money is your master.

Money is something you use to buy the things you need. It’s nothing more than a tool. It isn’t good if money has such a grip on you that it becomes your master – a master that dictates how you spend most of your time (working to earn more).

If you desire to be truly free, it might be worth considering establishing a new relationship with money. If you find yourself desiring a new car, boat, motorcycle, or something else, for example, ask yourself why you want it. Do you really need it? Or is it something else that will take up more of your time and resources?
