Persönlich by Zoey

Listen actively

Active listening involves eye contact and paraphrasing. You should try to take the other person's perspective. Poor listeners take in what is being said passively - if at all. If you want to listen well, you should always give your counterpart feedback and reflect on what you have heard in your own words. 

To help you understand, here's a comparison. Suppose your friend tells you that she is very stressed because of all the work and extra trouble at home. If you listened poorly, they would reply something like, "Oh, it'll pass! I have a lot on my plate too, but eventually, it will get better." Good listening is about showing understanding and empathy. You'd be more likely to respond something like, "I'm sorry you're going through a stressful period right now. It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed. How are you doing with that exactly?" The focus is clearly on the other person. You don't assume how your counterpart feels, you ask - you change the perspective.
