Persönlich by Tami

It Will Never Be Enough

If you ask most people how much money they need to be happy, the amount they give you will almost always be more than they currently have. It’s always more.

The problem with this is that when many do earn a raise at work, they often buy more stuff with it. Instead of being happy with the economy car they currently drive, some will use a raise as an excuse to go out and buy a fancier car.

One of the keys to happiness in life is learning to be content with what you have. There are many benefits to living below your means. In addition to the obvious financial benefits, you’ll also have much less stress in your life.

Another important key to happiness in life is not to compare yourself to others. So your neighbor just bought a fancy new car. So what? Let your neighbor enjoy his new ride while you take comfort in the fact that you didn’t go deep in debt to buy something that you didn’t need.

Staying on the hamster wheel of envy is a recipe for unhappiness.
