Azure Daily 2022 by Patrik

Public preview: Resource configuration changes

Query across your subscriptions and tenants to discover changes to your resources with Azure Resource Graph. Resource configuration changes enable you to:

  • Find when changes were detected on an Azure Resource Manager property
  • See property change details for each resource change
  • Query changes at scale across your subscriptions, management group, or tenants

At scale and on by default

This public preview iterates on the previous Resource Changes API with an entirely new pipeline that stores changes as extension resources at change time, enabling you to query changes to your Azure resources at scale through Resource Graph. In addition, this support includes the ability to craft charts and pin results to Azure dashboards based on specific change queries.


Resource changes can be queried with Resource Graph, which supports querying at the resource, resource group, subscription, management group, and tenant scopes. With one query you can get details about all of the deleted, created, and/or modified resources in your environment over the past seven days.

On by default

No onboarding is required. This is a platform feature enabled by default and available at no additional cost.

Public preview: Resource configuration changes | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure

Azure Resource Graph
Azure Resource Manager
