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- Activities are the individual steps performed
- Pipelines are a logical group of activities
- Triggers define when a pipeline will run
- Integration runtime is the compute infrastructure
- Datasets are the actual representation of the data
- Linked services thell where to find the data
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Types of Integration Runtime for Azure Data Factory:
- Azure IR: for data movement between public endpoints
- Self-Hosted IR: for connection to private and on-premises resources
- Azure-SSIS IR: Exclusively for executing SSIS packages
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Linked Services are similar to connection strings.
Two types:
- Data Stores
- External Compute Services
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Datasets are about the data structure.
Datasets are used in activities as data inputs and outputs.
- Tables in SQL Database
- Files in Blob Storage
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Triggers are the Data Factory components that initiate the execution of a pipeline. They define when a pipeline needs to run.
Types of triggers
- Schedule: focus on ON/AT (on Monday, at midnight, the last day of the month)
- Tumbling Window: focus on EVERY (every 4 hours)
- Event-based: Fire based on an event (file arrival)
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