Azure by Patrik

Azure HDInsight 2018-06-01 preview API will be retired on 30 November 2024

Microsoft is releasing a new Azure HDInsight API version, which simplifies and updates the API design. The new API 2021-06-01 includes capabilities, such as creating clusters with availability zones, supporting private link, and private endpoint configuration. With these new enhancements, Azure HDInsight 2018-06-01 preview API will be retired on 30 November 2024.

Required Action

Start using the new API by following the steps in Azure HDInsight REST API before 30 November, 2024.  After 30 November 2024, 2018-06-01-preview version will not work.

Some of the key API changes you need to update include:

  • Change the location property to be required instead of optional
  • Remove the ‘vmzises’ and ‘vmsize_filters’
  • Renaming two existing properties to follow CamelCase
