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More than a map
It goes beyond maps. It is a location platform and has built-in capabilities for search for addresses and places, rendering canvas, routing capabilities (multi-point, route optimization, isochrones)
Services in Azure Maps
- Data service
- Geolocation service
- Render service
- Route service
- Search service
- Spatial service
- Timezone service
- Traffic service
- Weather services
- Maps Creator service
- Elevation service
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Suggestions for additional Azure Maps resources:
- Maps Documentation homepage: Azure Maps Documentation | Microsoft Docs
- Maps Services homepage: Azure Maps – Geospatial Services | Microsoft Azure
- Maps Web control examples: Azure Maps Web SDK Samples
- Maps Glossary: Azure Maps Glossary | Microsoft Docs
- Maps Videos: Channel9 has joined Microsoft Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Maps Terms of use: Microsoft Azure Legal Information | Microsoft Azure
- Maps pricing: Pricing - Azure Maps | Microsoft Azure
- Maps open-source projects: Azure Maps community Open-source projects | Microsoft Docs
- Maps Case studies: Geospatial & Location Intelligence Case Studies using Azure Maps (
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