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Azure Cosmos DB Concept
Some of the concepts in Azure Cosmos DB:
- Database account is a container for one or more Azure Cosmos DB databases.
- Database is a container for one or more collections
- Collections are like tables in relational databases without a schema. A collection contains documents.
- Documents are an unstructured set of key/value pairs, read and written in JSON format. They are the logical unit and which is roughly equivalent to a relational row. Documents of similar types are organized into collections.
- Partitioning is the distribution and grouping of your data across the underlying resources.
- Index is a catalog of document properties and their values.
- Request Units (RUs) measures the throughput at which rate data is processed. RU is the amount of CPU, disk I/O, and memory required to read 1 KB of data in 1 second.
Additional insights can be found at How To Design And Query Data In Cosmos DB (
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