Azure by Patrik

Public preview: Azure NetApp Files application volume group for SAP HANA

Application volume group (AVG) for SAP HANA enables you to deploy all volumes required to install and operate an SAP HANA database according to best practices in a single one-step and optimized workflow. The application volume group feature includes the use of proximity placement group (PPG) with VMs to achieve automated, low-latency deployments. Application volume group for SAP HANA has implemented many technical improvements that simplify and standardize the entire process to help you streamline volume deployments for SAP HANA - instead of creating the SAP HANA volumes (data, log, shared, log-backup, file-backup) individually, the new application volume group for SAP HANA creates these volumes in a single 'atomic' operation (GUI, RP, API).

Azure NetApp Files application volume group will shorten SAP HANA landscape deployment time and increase overall application performance and stability, and eliminate the need for ‘manual pinning’ of the Azure NetApp Files volumes. The application volume group feature supports both Single-Node (scale-up) and Multi-Node (scale-out) standardized and optimized HANA deployments. The application volume group feature also proposes optimized sizing, standard naming conventions, and includes support for both HANA System Replication (HSR) for high availability and Azure NetApp Files cross region replication (CRR) for regional disaster recovery with storage based replication. This feature is now in public preview.

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