Azure by Gordon

Public preview: App Configuration references for App Service and Azure Functions

App Service and Azure Functions now support referencing configuration key-values from the Azure App Configuration service. App Configuration provides central management of configuration key-values that can span resources and deployment environments. When defining an application setting or connection string within App Service and Azure Functions, instead of providing a direct value, you can now specify a key-value in an external Azure App Configuration store. The app uses its managed identity to resolve the value from the store and expose it as an environment variable to your application.

This initial preview does not yet include support for network-restricted configuration stores or for resolution of configuration store references to Key Vault. Referenced key-values are not yet refreshed automatically, and new values will only be pulled in when the app restarts as the result of another config change such as modifying an app setting.

Source: Public preview: App Configuration references for App Service and Azure Functions

App Service
Azure Functions
