Azure by Patrik

General availability: Secure Data Egress via Managed Identity in Azure IoT Central

Managing secrets and credentials that are used to establish secure connections between Azure services is a common challenge for developers.  You often need to rotate and store these credentials in a secure place within their code.  This update adds support for System Assigned Managed Identity in IoT Central allowing developers to seamlessly configure their data export destinations.

Azure Managed Identity completely eliminates the need to manage credentials and connection strings for your data export destinations within your IoT Central application. It provides with you with a secure identity that can be used to connect with other Azure resources that support Azure Active Directory authentication.

Please check out the IoT Show demo video for this feature, where you are walked through how to eliminate the management of secrets and credentials by leveraging a system-assigned managed identity for your IoT Central application to securely and seamless access other Azure-AD protected resources.  

Learn more about configuring a managed identity.

Learn more about creating an Event Hubs destination
