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Write fewer emails yourself! Avoid unnecessary conversation in e-mails and getting into an e-mail ping-pong. What can be clarified in an email, what is a team chat, and where is a quick call sufficient?

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Choose the addressees well! Who belongs in the copy and blind copy? When do I use the distribution list for the entire company or my team? When replying, do I need to respond to everyone in CC?

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Use out-of-office notes! If you are on vacation, sick, or on a business trip and do not read your e-mails, you should set up informative out-of-office notes. This avoids annoying inquiries.

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Separate private from professional e-mails! One mailbox for everything? That is absolutely the wrong way to go. If you don't want to read emails from your landlord at work or from your customer in your private mailbox, you should separate the two.

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Establish communication rules in the team! E-mail rules help keep the flow of information efficient in everyday work: When must replies be made? Who belongs in copy and blind copy?
