Arbeitswelt by Tim

Have confidence

Fear of novelty is closely linked to fear of personal failure.

"I can't do this.", "What if I fail?", "I don't think I'm adequately prepared for the new tasks."

Phrases like these are readily used as a shield behind which those affected hides. They state that they are not up to the demands and thereby try to justify their fear.

If this behavior sounds familiar, you should read the next words very carefully: Work on your self-confidence. Of course, you are up to the new tasks and of course, you will not fail! If you have a negative attitude right from the start and virtually predict your own failure, you will indeed have a hard time being convincing in your new job. Outwit your fears by pushing yourself and making it clear that you are up to all challenges. Always remember the words of Henry Ford:

"There are more people who surrender than those who fail."
