Arbeitswelt by Makenzie

Leadership mistake #1: Too much pressure

Challenging goals and short-term pressure can certainly have a motivating effect and provide a brief boost to performance in the team. However, if this pressure persists for too long, it triggers stress. The result: Your employees no longer feel good at work, become ill or, in the worst case, even quit.

How it works better: Exceptions, in which you have to demand a little more at short notice, must remain an exception and be explained plausibly. If your team understands why it is important to go the extra mile, they will be motivated to do so. Precise yet emotional communication will help you achieve this. You can find the right tips for this in my online seminar "Successful Communication - The Art of Listening and Persuading."

Also, make sure that a phase with a lot of pressure is followed by a time (e.g. a week) with opportunities to relax.
