Arbeitswelt by Chloe

Score with authenticity in the job interview

Score with authenticity in the job interview

In the job interview, it is important to score points with professional competence and personality. In recent years, soft skills have become increasingly important compared to pure hard skills. Companies are looking for a "team fit" rather than a pure "skill fit. The problem with personality traits is that, in comparison to hard skills, they cannot be proven with a certificate. Companies are therefore not only looking for personalities. They are looking for personalities that are as authentic as possible. Here I explain how you can present yourself as authentically as possible.

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Today, authenticity is understood as the congruence of thinking, acting, feeling, and speaking. If these four areas have the same basis at their core, we speak of authenticity. You realize that if you report your empathy in the area of thinking for the job interview, for example, but appear less empathetic in speaking and acting, you will be perceived as less authentic. In this case, the "fake" competencies have even led to the loss of your authenticity. You are no longer perceived as "genuine".

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In order for you to appear authentic, you must be self-aware. The basis of your self-awareness is your personal values. Explore your values by asking yourself when and where you felt an inner resistance (or spontaneous drive). Often in these situations, values have been disregarded or demanded of you. The better you explore your value system in this way, the better you can authentically describe your thinking and feeling.

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Your actions are strongly determined by your strengths and weaknesses. So try to find out in which situations you have been active or passive and which competencies you have used or lacked there.

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One tip that many applicants implement incorrectly is the NLP technique of mirroring. They try to gain sympathy points by adapting to their interview partners. While this technique is effective, it can jeopardize your overall authentic image. Especially if your thoughts, actions and feelings don't match your adapted communication style. So stay yourself and rather score points with authentic and genuine communication.

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You can also describe your feelings very well and honestly by explaining in which work environment you feel particularly comfortable. Are you happier in a single office because your thinking is also rather deep and complex? Then that's an honest and authentic presentation that you can score points with again. So ask yourself what conditions you need to be really happy and work well.

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You realize that an honest, open and thus authentic presentation of your person is more effective than bragging about exaggerated or non-existent skills. Rather, try to present a coherent overall picture, in which corners and edges may also be present.
