Ungeordnet by Patrik

Have a No Footwear Policy in the house

Now here’s a handy tip that will make even the first tip an easier task. Have a no footwear policy implemented in your house. Most of the dust and stains on the floor come from footwear, especially shoes.

This is because most of us have the habit of tying shoelaces inside the house while seated. It makes things more comfortable, doesn’t it? We also tend to have the habit of walking all the way in with our footwear when we come home from work because all we can think of is hitting the couch or the bathroom.

Well, l now you can’t just tell people to stand and take off their footwear at the door so a simple solution would be to arrange for some seating near the main entrance so that someone trying to take off their shoes can have a seat and take it off comfortably without hopping around.
