Finanzen by Louis

Invest money in real estate

Many experts consider real estate to be a comparatively safe way to invest money. After all, people always need a place to live. However, the attractiveness of real estate as an investment opportunity depends to a large extent on the purchase price because its relationship to rental income ultimately determines the return.

However, it is currently difficult to predict how real estate prices will develop: Some experts believe that they will continue to rise because construction interest rates will remain low for several more years or even fall further.

Other experts believe that real estate prices could now also fall. This could be the case in particular if increased numbers of property owners have to sell their properties because they can no longer service their real estate loans due to a job loss or short-time working. But even in such a case, prices will not fall everywhere in equal measure: In metropolitan regions such as Munich or Hamburg, experts expect at most a small drop, if any.
