Finanzen by Louis

Geld per Crowdinvesting anlegen

Crowdinvesting means that many people invest money in company projects and thus become shareholders in the respective company. This form of investment is particularly popular in the real estate sector and promises high returns. For their participation, crowd investors usually receive a fixed or variable interest rate. Some also hope that a major investor will later buy the now still young company and that they can sell their shares to him for an attractive price.

The most important rule is: Only invest your money in crowd investing if you understand the respective project. Clarify all the questions you have. If these cannot be seriously clarified, it is better to leave them alone. Also, please take a close look at the forecasts for future sales and profits and consider whether they are plausible. After all, if you want to invest your money via crowdinvesting, you should be aware that the entire amount could be gone in the event of bankruptcy.
