Finanzen by Louis

Invest money in gold

In times of crisis, there is often a run on gold. For many investors, the precious metal seems to be a safe haven. The ulterior motive: in the worst case, you can still use gold as a medium of exchange for goods. Unlike stocks or time deposits, you finally have a real value in the form of a gold bar or coin in your hand.

However, the gold price fluctuates strongly and is - similar to individual shares - a speculative investment. The strong fluctuations are mainly due to the fact that the price of gold depends on demand, while the value of shares is also due to the development of a company. Such a development does not exist with gold. Experts, therefore, advise investing a maximum of 10% of one's total assets in gold. Since gold often moves in the opposite direction to share prices, it can cushion deposit fluctuations somewhat.

In the long run, however, gold does not yield half as much as an investment in a globally diversified stock index. In addition, the money you invest in gold does not earn interest. And gold does not generate any dividends.
