Microsoft (INT) by Marc

Are there different types of OKRs?

Aspirational OKRs are moonshot goals while Committed OKRs are more realistic.

Aspirational OKR

An ambitious goal with no clear path to get there. It might roll over year over year and sometimes change ownership.

Aspirational OKR is like your crazy, ambitious sibling. 

These OKRs are moonshot goals that may be hard to tackle and achieve. However, they could help your company discover new, innovative routes to boost its growth.

Committed OKR

A goal that will be achieved. Resources and schedules should be adjusted to make sure it gets done.

If aspirational OKR is the ambitious sibling, committed OKR is the more realistic one. So realistic that they’re supposed to be achieved completely – all the time.

Often called roofshot goals, these OKRs are far easier to attain than aspirational OKRs. And since they’re realistic, you’ll also have a clear-cut idea how to achieve them.

