React by Patrik

React Context Key Concepts

Key concepts and components related to React Context include:

  1. createContext: You start by creating a context object using the React.createContext() function. This object consists of two components: Provider and Consumer.

  2. Provider: The Provider component is used to wrap a part of your component tree. It accepts a value prop that can be any JavaScript value (e.g., an object, a function, or a primitive). This value is then made accessible to all descendant components that subscribe to this context.

  3. Consumer: The Consumer component is used to access the data provided by the Provider higher up in the component tree. It uses a render prop function to receive and use the context data.
  4. useContext Hook: In React 16.8 and later, you can also use the useContext Hook to access the context value within a functional component. It simplifies the code and makes it more readable.

See also: React useContext Hook - snippset
