React by Patrik

React Context

React Context is a feature in the React library for JavaScript that allows you to manage and share state data, preferences, or any other data across your component tree without manually passing props through each component hierarchy level. It's particularly useful for building large applications where data needs to be accessible to multiple components at different levels in the component tree.

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Key concepts and components related to React Context include:

  1. createContext: You start by creating a context object using the React.createContext() function. This object consists of two components: Provider and Consumer.

  2. Provider: The Provider component is used to wrap a part of your component tree. It accepts a value prop that can be any JavaScript value (e.g., an object, a function, or a primitive). This value is then made accessible to all descendant components that subscribe to this context.

  3. Consumer: The Consumer component is used to access the data provided by the Provider higher up in the component tree. It uses a render prop function to receive and use the context data.
  4. useContext Hook: In React 16.8 and later, you can also use the useContext Hook to access the context value within a functional component. It simplifies the code and makes it more readable.

See also: React useContext Hook - snippset
