MOA Terms


  • Connects message Producers with message Consumers
  • Handler: The logic of the consumer
  • Command; Message that requests a change of state
  • Event: Message that indicates something of interest (no change of state)
  • Topic/Subscription: Special queues that allow inbound messages to be picked up by multiple interested parties
  • Service Bus: An ESB platform
  • Pipeline: A logic stream of messages that are related to each other
  • Idempotent: Operation that, when repeated, will produce the same result
  • Guaranteed delivery: Messages are stored and forwarded to ensure they are delivered
  • At least once delivery: To achieve reliability, there may be occasions that messages are sent more than once
  • Loosely Coupled: All communication is done via messages
  • Platform Agnostic: Producer and Consumer may be on different platforms
  • Asynchronous: Producer can continue work after sending messages to the Broker

Messaging = ICP (Inter-Process Communication) with clear boundaries
