Software (en) by Patrik

Run sudo commands

The sudo command is used to execute a command as another user typically as a root user.

...see more

Run date and who am I command using sudo

$ sudo -- sh -c 'date; who am i'
...see more

sudo was developed as a way to temporarily grant a user administrative rights. To make it work, use sudo before a restricted command. The system will prompt for your password. Once provided, the system runs the command.


To start using sudo, use the following syntax:

sudo [command]

When the sudo command is used, a timestamp is entered in the system logs. The user can run commands with elevated privileges for a short time (default 15 minutes). If a non-sudo user tries to use the sudo command, it is logged as a security event.


sudo can be used with additional options:

  • -h – help; displays syntax and command options
  • -V – version; displays the current version of the sudo application
  • -v – validate; refresh the time limit on sudo without running a command
  • -l – list; lists the user’s privileges, or checks a specific command
  • -k – kill; end the current sudo privileges
