PowerShell by Patrik

Get-AzConnectedMachine cmdlet in PowerShell

Module: Az.ConnectedMachine

Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a hybrid machine.

   [-SubscriptionId <String[]>]
   [-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]

Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a hybrid machine.

Example 1: List all connected machines in a subscription

Get-AzConnectedMachine -SubscriptionId 67379433-5e19-4702-b39a-c0a03ca8d20c

Name           Location OSName   Status     ProvisioningState
----           -------- ------   ------     -----------------
winwestus2_1   westus2  windows  Connected  Succeeded
linwestus2_1   westus2  linux    Connected  Succeeded
winwestus2_2   westus2  windows  Connected  Succeeded
winwestus2_3   westus2  windows  Connected  Succeeded

Get-AzConnectedMachine (Az.ConnectedMachine) | Microsoft Docs

