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JSON Deserialization in C#
The JsonSerializer.Deserialize
parses the text representing a single JSON value into an instance of a specified type.
using System.Text.Json;
string json = @"{""Name"":""Krish Jackon"", ""Gender"":""female"",
var user = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<User>(json);
Resources to deserialize to dynamic object
...see more
To deserialize JSON into a dynamic object in C# using System.Json, follow these steps:
- Parse the JSON string using JsonValue.Parse() to obtain a JsonValue object.
- Convert the JsonValue object to a dynamic object using the JsonValue.ToDynamic() extension method.
Here's an example code snippet:
using System.Json;
string jsonString = "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}";
JsonValue jsonValue = JsonValue.Parse(jsonString);
dynamic dynamicObj = jsonValue.ToDynamic();
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {}, Age: {dynamicObj.age}");
For more advanced JSON deserialization scenarios in C#, using libraries like Json.NET (Newtonsoft.Json) is recommended.
Some helpful links
- Deserialize JSON object into dynamic object using JSON.NET: This Stack Overflow thread provides insights into using JSON.NET to deserialize JSON into dynamic objects, offering code examples and explanations.
- C# Deserialize JSON into Dynamic Object: This tutorial from Code Maze explores deserializing JSON into dynamic objects in C# using Newtonsoft.Json.
- Deserializing dynamic JSON: Here, you can find discussions and solutions for deserializing dynamic JSON objects using different libraries and techniques.
- Deserialize JSON string into dynamic object using System.Text.Json: This Stack Overflow post delves into deserializing JSON strings into dynamic objects using System.Text.Json.
- Serialize C# anonymous type to a JSON string: Explore serialization of C# anonymous types to JSON strings, which can be relevant for dynamic object handling.
- Deserialize JSON into list of anonymous type: Learn about deserializing JSON into a list of anonymous types, which can be part of handling dynamic JSON data structures.
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