Successfully added
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git checkout -b feature/my-new-branch # add/edit files git add . git commit -m "Meaningful message" git push --set-upstream origin feature/my-new-feature # do a pull request using the Azure DevOps
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git checkout master # there should not be any other branches you care about at this stage git pull git checkout -b ... # continue as above
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I made changes to the master branch which should be in a feature branch
git stash # save local changes to the stash git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature git stash pop # put back local changes on the new branch
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I want to delete my latest (local) commit but keep my files
git reset HEAD^1
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I want to add changes to the latest (local not-synced) commit
git commit -m "Updated message" --amend # or git commit --amend
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Someone made changes to the master branch while I was working on my own feature branch
git commit ... # commit your changes git rebase origin/master
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