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Let’s say the string is −

Welcome User, Kindly wait for the image to load

For multiline String Literal, firstly set it like the following statement using@ prefix −

string str = @"Welcome User,
Kindly wait for the image to

Now let us display the result. The string is a multi-line string now


using System;

namespace Demo {
   class Program {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         string str = @"Welcome User,
         Kindly wait for the image to



Welcome User,
Kindly wait for the image to
...see more

There are times when you want to combine two URLs together. This is where the Uri class comes in handy. The Uri class contains the necessary parameters in its constructors, which can be used to combine 2 URLs.

For example, if we need to combine “http://www.domain.com” and “articles/index.html”, we can use the Uri class.  Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating this.

Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://www.domain.com");
Uri combinedUri = new Uri(baseUri, "articles/index.html");

Path Combine of Url in Html

<img src='<%# new Uri(new Uri(Path), Eval("Image")).AbsoluteUri %>' />
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Question: How do you convert a nullable bool? to a bool in C#?


You can use the null-coalescing operator: x ?? something, where something is a boolean value you want to use if x is null.


bool? nullBool = null;
bool convertedBool = nullBool ?? false; // convertedBool will be false

The null-coalescing operator ?? returns the value of its left-hand operand if it isn't null; otherwise, it evaluates the right-hand operand and returns its result. 


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